Thursday, 28 July 2016

Preparing Your Home And Your Family For Monsoons

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Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Why Dengue Insurance Is Your Best Bet, This Monsoon

InsuringIndia Provide you Dengue plan offers coverage against any medical expenses incurred on inpatient or outpatient treatment for dengue. At the time of buying the cover, only a declaration stating “I do not suffer from dengue” will suffice as the plan doesn’t require the policyholder to undergo any medical test. Buy Dengue Insurance :

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Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Compare Life Insurance Policy

Getting the best life insurance policy can help insure that your family will get financial security and assistance in the case of an sudden event. During your stay on island are a variety of products available, it is of utmost importance that you choose the appropriate plan according to your needs.Buy Life Insurance Plan :

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Monday, 25 July 2016

Why Compare Health Insurance Plans

Health costs are expanding impressively every day as are the health risks. With a wide exhibit of health insurance policy, the first thing of picking the best health insurance Plans for your requirements can be entirely extreme and confounding. Provide you comparative health insurance quotes According to your Requirement: Compare Health Insurance Quotes:

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Sunday, 24 July 2016

Planning Retirement: Here’s What You Need To Know

what you must know is that to live a life of dignity and independence, it is very important to set goals now so that you have a hassle free retirement in your later years. Compare Pension Plans :

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Health Insurance Terms Demystified

Most of us tend to take it easy, when it comes to buying a health insurance policy. The common mistake that everyone makes is that either they don’t read the policy documents carefully or they don’t bother understanding technical terms. This, until a disaster strikes and brings with a nasty shock. To avoid this unpalatable situation, it’s best to be prepared. This blog examines some common terms in health insurance policy.

1.      Co-payment clause: If you sign up for a co-payment clause then as the term suggests, you will be sharing a certain percentage of costs, with your health insurance provider. This will definitely scale down the premium if your health insurance policy. What you must know is that not every health policy has this feature, but in case of a senior citizen policy, it may be definitely surface. But the good news is that it gives the policy holder peace of mind, especially if he’s older as it bears the major portion of expenses, going easy on the savings. The percentage of co-payment may differ from one insurer to another.

2.      Deductible: This is yet another term to watch out for, while buying a health plan. What it means is that a certain amount has to be paid out of the pocket before your insurer steps in to take care of the expenses. This may also differ from one insurance company to another.

3.      Maternity cover: This is a tricky clause as many health plans may not feature it while there may be others where they give sub clauses. Maternity coverage may exist in some plans but the waiting period could be as long as 48 months. If you opt for a plan with a lesser waiting period then there are chances that you will be forking out a higher premium for that plan. Also, many health insurance providers keep maternity and childbirth related expenses in their exclusions sections. It is important to know that though some health plans may have a maternity cover, your newborn may not be covered in that policy, therefore put you at the risk of incurring expenses if your child needs some medical attention post delivery.

4.      Portability: If a policyholder is not happy with his health policy, or does not pay for renewing his policy he has the option of buying a new health policy. But, in this case he will not get certain benefits especially the time-bound exclusions. So you have to read your policy documents very carefully.

5.      Reasonable Charges: Insurers prefer paying claims which are reasonably charged by the hospital and not an exorbitant rate for any of the expense-head. The insurer makes this clear to the policyholder through its policy document that only reasonable charges would be reimbursed.

6.      Free Look Period: This is applicable for those policy holders who may not be satisfied with terms and conditions of their policy and may want a change. Usually insurers provide a free look period where you can opt out of your policy without any extra charges. Generally, it’s a 15 day period.

Protecting woman's life through health insurance

Modern women take a heavy toll trying to keep a balance between personal and professional life. On top of that, women are more vulnerable to health issues especially after the age of 40. So Protect Woman's Life Through Health Insurance

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Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Single Premium Life Insurance Policy

Single Premium Life Insurance policy is good for those who can pay a lumpsum in a single stroke. Like conventional life insurance policies, this policy too provides a security umbrella to the policy holder until the full policy term. Buy Single Premium Life Insurance Policy :

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Monday, 18 July 2016

Protect Your Vehicle from Monsoon Damage

When you want insurance for your car, you might be puzzled as from where you should get it. Should you Compare Motor Insurance online with You can choose among different options for getting your Car Insurance in Manson . Buy Motor Insurance:

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Do You Need Health Insurance This Monsoon?

Monsoons mean a lot of water everywhere! still water that forms ideal grounds for mosquitoes to breed upon, which leads to Malaria,Dengue and other such diseases. Secure YourSelf For Taking Health Insurance on this Mansoon : Buy Health Insurance:

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Looking To Invest For Your Child? Best Options That Can Secure Their Future

Children investment plan: Every parent wants his/her child to get the best possible education without any financial hurdle. For this, it becomes significant for parents to invest in best options to meet their educational expenses and secure their future Buy Child Investment Plan :

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Is your car insurance monsoon ready?

As monsoons are just around the corner, it is advisable to get your car checked for any problems that may occur owing to conditions like flooding, etc. Water clogged streets and other related things can cause issues with the proper functioning of your car. On a serious note, water may also cause serious damage to your engine or other electrical parts that are open and vulnerable. To save you from these troubles, having an up to date and comprehensive car insurance policy is a must.

What to choose?
In India, basically we have two types of car insurance products on offer -- third party cover and a comprehensive insurance plan. Initially it may be confusing for you to choose the best car insurance plan, but if you know the features and benefits of theses plan then you can select the best policy judiciously.

Third party insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides coverage for the damages to third party caused by you. It means that in case of an accident, the third party insurance plan would cover all the damages caused to the third party including his/her car and its related accessories and contents. It also provides you coverage for injuries caused to the third party during the accident.

A comprehensive insurance plan would provide coverage for all the damages caused to your vehicle and the third party coverage is also included in it.

Insurance industry experts suggest buying a comprehensive insurance plan instead of third party liability coverage as it provides coverage for your vehicle and the third party as well. A comprehensive plan provides coverage for the insured vehicle, its related accessories and third party liability coverage as well protection against floods, thefts, fire, explosions, hailstorm, hurricane, typhoon, cyclone etc. It is good to have a comprehensive insurance plan as these days the rate of road accidents is much higher and a good plan will save you a lot of hassle.

In India, having vehicle insurance is mandated by the law; hence it is advisable to buy the desired car insurance plan for yourself at the time you purchase the vehicle. You can compare online from various plans and select the best one.

Why to renew on time?

As with any plan, car insurance should also be renewed every year. It is better to renew the car insurance policy within the validity period. If you missed or delayed the renewal process then you would not get the benefits which you would otherwise have got if you renewed it within the term period. In India, most people forget to renew the car insurance plan on time and later feel the guilt of not doing so. The average rate of renewing policy related to car insurance on time is around 65 per cent in India.

In many cases, the insured complains about the insurer for not providing the renewal information on time. This is mostly true when the insured do not provide accurate information in the proposal form at the time of availing the policy and hence companies find it difficult to communicate with the customers at the time of intimating them about renewal process.

No claim bonus

No claim bonus (NCB) is the additional benefit than an insured gets at the time of renewal of his car insurance policy. Simply put, it applies to the benefits that a policyholder would get when s/he didn’t ask for a claim during the policy tenure.

On an average the no claim bonus that an insured would get at the time of renewal is 20 per cent in the first year, which increases to around 35 per cent in the second year and almost around 50 per cent in the fourth year of the policy period.

Many car insurance providers advise that if you are purchasing a new car, then you should transfer the NCB from the old car insurance plan.

Common reasons for claim rejection

The common reasons of claim rejection in India are

Use of normal car for commercial use: It is a common occurrence in India that people buy the car for their personal use and later on use the same as a commercial vehicle. The insurer will right away reject the claim as it didn’t insure the car which is being used for commercial purposes. If you want to use your car as a commercial vehicle then tell your insurer at the time of buying the plan.

Partial damages: In this case you would not get the full claims. The insurer would provide you the claim amount after deducting the depreciation charges from the same.

Drunk driving:  You might hear the ‘don’t drink while driving’ slogan quite frequently. There is logic behind this notion and for your own good you should practice restraint as drunk driving can cause accidents and the insurance company would not cover the claim

Default in Premium: If you are a premium defaulter then you are not eligible for filing claims against the damages.

So keep these things in mind as you head out into the monsoon rains to enjoy the drive and remain tension free, knowing very well that your car insurance has your back covered just in case you meet an unexpected incident.
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Monday, 11 July 2016

What Your Health Insurance May Not Really Cover

These days, everyone knows the importance of securing a health insurance to ensure all possible health risks are averted or dealt with. But while buying a health insurance policy many tend to go blindly by what an insurance agent is projecting rather than reading the fine print. The result of this carelessness can be disastrous considering that in times of need you may get a rude shock. This combination of lack of awareness and blind trust in an insurance agent can cost you dearly in times of need. This blog explores the diseases that your health policy may not cover.

While a host of serious diseases and pre-existing diseases like diabetes, stroke, cancer, heart attack, high blood pressure are covered by most health policies, there are many which are mentioned in the exclusion section. These include:

Procedures related to infertility: For anyone who is not conceiving a child, the stress of undergoing a series of medical procedures and medicinal treatment, can be quite big. Add to this, the discovery that the cost of your medical procedures will not be reimbursed, can add to your worries. One such procedure is an IVF treatment which involves taking medication and administration of medicines via injection. Most health policies will not cover this unless expressly added at a higher cost.

Genetic disorders: These too may not be covered. These include certain forms of thalassemia, anemia and downs syndrome. In insurance jargon, these are considered high risk, pre-existing medical conditions. Therefore, it’s a good idea to read the policy documents very carefully.

Usage of tobacco: This may be an extremely tricky area considering that tobacco usage in the form of cigarettes and other forms can lead to a host of diseases like heart and lung disorders, oral cancer, certain types of tumors etc. This is the reason why insurance companies always ask prospective policy buyers to disclose their tobacco usage to set a premium for the health policy. This factor is also taken into consideration to determine if the prospective client is also displaying signs related to tobacco diseases. In fact if someone fails to disclose their tobacco usage while buying the policy it can be a big problem when a related diseases manifests, at a later stage.

Cancer: This is a tricky disease which causes a huge drain on bodily immunity along with a definite drain on finances. Though with the passage of time, the insurance sector has opened its doors to a plethora of health policies which are cancer specific, it can be quite a difficult task for someone who did not buy this policy when they were healthier. For example, if someone does not have cancer but buys a policy, then it can be beneficial for him to avail its benefits if the disease manifests. But if someone gets the disease and then wants to place a claim by buying a cancer policy then it will not work. It’s also important to know that if you’re in the advanced stages of cancer, that most probably, you won’t be able to make a claim.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Self Employed? You Can Still Opt For Insurance

Most of us are averse to taking risks, especially if we are not in a ‘proper’ office job but are self-employed. While there is a continued stress to retain work, one cannot shake off the constant feeling of insecurity: what if an emergency strikes? Are you prepared for it and if you need to opt for an insurance policy, what should you opt for and what kind of budget should you have. This blog explores these questions with a special emphasis on those who are self-employed and need to make an informed decision for their own future as also their family’s.

The first thing to know is that you can opt for an endowment policy. Basically, in this type of policy the policy holder can insure himself for a specific period of time or till his death. Thereafter, the money in the policy is given to his nominee, if he has any. Otherwise, if he outlives the term of policy, the insurance will make him a pay out of the full sum assured. Some plans have a limited period for which the policy holder can pay a premium for your endowment plan. But what you need to know here is that for this benefit, you may have to cough up a higher premium. Why it works more in the favour of those who are self-employed is that it factors in a major worry: would a self-employed person be able to pay premiums for a specific period? This way, if you can actually plan your premium while taking into consideration your monthly income, expenditures, current and future liabilities and also your savings. Also, you may not have the mental burden and stress of paying yearly payments of your policy till the end of the term.

This type of policy is ideal for those who own small businesses or are in work-out-of-home-jobs, artists, painters, performance artists, sportsperson etc.

This is a form of disciplined savings.
Handy in case of any medical or other emergency.
An endowment policy has a triple advantage. Firstly it takes care of your loved ones in the event of your death. Then in case you have an investment goal then it fulfills that. Lastly, an endowment plan can also be used as a corpus to fund a pension or retirement plan.
Tax benefit.
Risk free.
Peace of mind guaranteed.

We live in a time of multifarious choices which makes zeroing into the right type of policy a very stressful and confusing affair. To avoid this, it’s best to go to an online aggregator instead of an insurance agent. This is because not only will you be saved from any extra paperwork or costs, but you will be able to make a more informed choice based on what is available in the market. Online, you can compare premium rates, advantages, disadvantages and varied sops. Also the internet saves you a great deal of time, is an efficient medium and provides you greater transparency than any insurance agent, would.